Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sawmill Bay

Today began with a building S-SW breeze, and although still quiet at the head of Nara inlet, up-anchored early and sailed 0800.  Although intending Border Island, the forecast was for 20/25 building to 25/30 with rain and thunderstorms.  With the wind bullets possible in Cataran Bay, decided Cid Hbr may be better so hard on the wind, tacked south with only a partially unfurled headsail, making 6-6.4 knts hard to windward, and travelled down to drop an anchor in Sawmill Bay between Cid Island and Whitsunday Island at 1100 in wind dropping to 5-10 and a glorious sunny afternoon.
A play afternoon followed consisting of cooking beef bourginion, polishing decks, swimming showering fishing… the list goes on, until sundowners and a quiet night on board.  Todays pictures are H accessing the internet on board, J&H on deck in Sawmill Bay, enjoying the warm water, and of course the sunset over Cid island.

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